Saturday, April 18, 2020

My stimulus check

Got my stimulus check today. Oh the things I could buy! I know we are supposed to use that money to stimulate the economy, but I also know, I need to pay off my debt!

As I sit here with an extra $1200 in my checking account, the shiny things beckon. I talked with a friend of mine and she wants me to book a vacation with her after all of this virus mess is over. I tried to be responsible, told her I needed it for retirement. Her response? No one knows what the future holds, or even if we'll   have one so we should enjoy today.

She makes a valid point, none of us know what the future holds and I think many people my age feel the same way. They feel that they should have started saving for retirement thirty years ago, and since they didn't, they should enjoy life while they can.

What happens when you are 65,67 or 70 and have zero savings? My friend has three daughters so maybe she feels a little more secure in their help. I have one child and I don't want to shift my responsibility onto her because I didn't make good choices.

As I talk to more people about retirement, I hear so many things. Many people think that Social Security won't be around for them, but they are still not saving. Some people think they will sell their homes and live off the proceeds. Some people are just flying by the seat of their pants.

I'm going to do my best to be responsible. I will buy an inexpensive gas grill, the grill I have is almost 20 years old and frequently catches on fire, no matter how well I clean it. Other than that, I'm paying towards that Kohl's debt. The interest rate is ridulously high. I'm still trying to decide if I will pull money out of savings to pay it in full or just put the remainder of my stimulus check towards it.

On one hand, it would be so good to finally be free of that debt. On the other hand, we don't know what will happen with the economy. I'm not sure I should take almost half of my savings to pay down debt.

One thing I won't do is spend it on the list of "wants" that lives in my head. I don't need any of those things and I know that buying them would lead to other purchases and the spending would continue.

I just checked my Kohl's account and my balance is $1699.92, I think I'm going to do it. This will only reduce my monthly expenses by $100 but the relief at having that paid off will be worth it. I have been paying a monthly payment on that Kohl's card for over ten years. It's time for it to go!

I'll admit that I'm scared. I finally have some money in savings and a pandemic hits. That little bit of savings gives me a cushion, reduces my stress. What if I need that money? I don't want to add more to my MasterCard because I used my savings to pay off Kohl's.

I'm overthinking it. I'm going to pay off Kohl's. If I need money, I will find a second job, even in this crazy reality we are living in, places are hiring, grocery stores, delivery services, I'd be able to find something. Here goes nothing- or everything, only time will tell!

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