Thursday, April 16, 2020

Where to start?

Now that I am seriously thinking about retirement, I need to find some help. I've found some blogs and podcasts that promote, what they call FI or financial independence.

The first step is to reduce your current expenses so I took a look at my bank statements, and although my monthly bills aren't high, my spending is out of control. Every time I got to Walmart or Target I'm spending over $100, and I have nothing to show for it. That needs to stop.

I've looked at my bills and really, my expenses aren't that high, I don't have cable or a car payment. There are still some things I can get rid of, so here goes!

Here are the immediate changes I've made:
  • renting a basement from my daughter and son in law- this is saving me about 30% over what I was spending on my tiny apartment. I know this isn't viable for everyone but for me, it's going to save about $300 a month
  • cancelled- Spotify and my gym membership- between the two of those that's about $40 a month.
That's $340 towards my debt. Now to be honest, last year my car was paid off, but I did not use that $250 a month to pay debt, I just spent it. Now I need to find that money and use it as well.

Even though I've cut my expenses, over time, I haven't made an forward progress. Sometimes I'll make a $500 payment towards my credit card but then I always seem to just charge it right back up.

I am making a promise to myself to do better. I need to get rid of all debt so I can start saving for the future.

Wish me luck!

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