Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Sticking my head in the sand

Probably the biggest roadblock to getting my finances in order, is my tendency to stick my head in the sand. Much like Scarlett O'hara, I'll worry about it tomorrow.

Last year I went to the emergency room for chest pains. At the time I did not want to go but my daughter was freaking out, so I went.

My insurance had a $2700 deductible, so nothing was covered. I started getting bills and was outraged. I was in the emergency room for exactly 26 minutes and the bills totaled almost $2000. The only thing they did was hook me up to a portable EKG machine for three minutes, say it wasn't a heart attack and then I left.

They wanted to run additional tests but I refused, I knew I could get those tests through my doctor if I needed them. It still cost so much money!

I paid a few of the smaller bills, but in typical fashion, ignored the largest one. Instead of calling and making payment arrangements I ignored it.

Then I got a letter in the mail that the bill has gone to collections. Shit. For a few days, I did what I do best, I ignored it. I finally put some money in an emergency account and with all the weird stuff going on with Covid-19, I didn't want to part with it.

If only I got the letter before I sent my stimulus check to pay off Kohls. Then I realized that if I hadn't paid that bill I would still be paying on it for who knows how long.

So, I took a deep breath and paid the collection account off with my savings. It hurt and shook my stability a bit, but I did it.

I guess that's another habit I need to improve, stop ignoring bills and thinking they will go away. As frustrating as it was to have to part with some of my savings, I know it's my own fault. I will stop sticking my head in the sand.

It does feel good not to have that hanging over my head anymore. Also, I still have a job, so I can build my savings back up.

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